In March of this year, on the pages of «The Angling Times», the world champion in the personnel classification of catching fish on the feeder, the English athlete Steve Ringer announced over 46 advice that, in his opinion, will help anglers in more effective fishing in water resources. Because in England, as in no other country, the differentiation between feeder fishing and float fishing is mainly conventional, the majority of floaters are also feeder apologists. Steve Ringer – is not an exception, he is also an excellent master of float fishing, masterly know the spin−casting, bait casting and fly-casting rods. Consequently, his advice relates to both float and feeder topics, they are all mixed up, without any sorting by the gear types.
As far as in England, the immensely popular object of fishing is carp and F1 (it’s a halfbreed of carp with crucial, for which several well−known companies develop even the series of rods with acronym F1 especially «keened» to catch this fish) so that the fishing tradition in England and continental Europe a little bit differ. Therefore, the translation of advice is selective with «dropping» some specific moments of English fishing, which are not popular here. I hope that the numbers of advice will be helpful both for advanced fishermen and for beginners in understanding all the nuances in this endless active leisure which is called «angling».
Steve Ringer about fishing on lakes and still water
- How often do you need to recast the method feeder? Every next day differs from the previous one, so change the periodicity of the recasting too. Start with a 5-minute interval, and then identify the necessary waiting period for getting the bite. If on the average you get the bites once a minute, then there is no need to park the feeder for a long time on the bottom.
- When it comes to catching carp, there are some cases when fishing goes to shallow water at a depth of 18 inches (45 cm). Against the islands in such places can be a lot of fish. On this occasion, while fishing with float rig, you should use a more massive float than the standard one use for carp catches. However, his split shot can consist of 10 grains № 11 (0,028 gr), the location of the first weight is at a distance of 5 inches (13 cm) from the hook, the rest equally to distribute along the line. A more massive float affords you to quickly transport the catch to the bottom, where locate the fish.
- When you fish on the feeder method it is significant to regulate the amount of bait; sometimes it is essential to increase the amount at the place where the feeder falls when the fish actively feed to keep the fish at a point. One of the most natural methods to increase bait volume, when a method feeder filled with bait is re-immersed in a silicone-filled bait, to create a second coat on top and thus reduplicate thrown the amount of bait with the help of the method feeder.
- Preparation for catching bream I start with casting a minimum of 10 medium-sized net feeders with bait to get a small table on the bottom, where the fish start feeding. After that, I put a small feeder made from the net, in that beam doesn’t like large feeders, which light upon their heads while eating.
- When it comes to using micro granules to fill the method feeders, do not be afraid to pressure them when loading the method feeder wrongly. You would be astonished to see how quickly extricated them by being in the water at the bottom of the water pond.
- Catching roach, bream, crucial in places where there is a chance to get even sporadic bites of large fish, in particular carp, the best option while pole fishing is the use of individual sardines with the possibility of shortening elastic gum to be able to force the fish into a net. The setup of thick glue initially will be a bad option for catching a small fish and can lead to large quantities.
- Fishing with paste nozzles, its texture is one of the most significant factors of success: the smoother it is, the more bites you will have. The problem, however, is that the softer the paste, the worse it keeps on the hook. Therefore, I usually make a dough of a somewhat hard texture for the beginning, and then I tune up dropping the paste into the small bath with water to get the required extent of hardness before buzzing the hook.
- Fishing in water ponds where apart from carp you can come across bream, I use a leash of 8 inches (20 cm) from the line of 0.17 mm when fishing on a feeder. It is rather rude for a bream−skimmer, but at the same time, it will help to send a carp into the net. In addition to that, I use hook № 18 and №20 Guru MWG – it will be preferable for both types.
- Majority of the anglers when using worms, clean them from the ground in which stored them. But when catching in the shallow end or half-water, I do not suggest doing this, as far as created by the peat or soil, dark cloud attracts fish well.
- Catching a tabulate roach, I was always taught to hide the hook in the caster (maggot). However, when catching in commercial reservoirs roach and carp, the hook should go out, this usually leads to more bites.
- Dead maggot is the best kind of baits for catching carp with the help of method feeders. To prepare them, I proceed as follows: I do in such way: pour into a large bowl and cover with cold water. Then slowly fill in the boiling water into this bowl, mixing it, until all the larvae will die. After that, I add even more cold water to protect the worms from burns and excessive rigidity. Then dump the water and pour out the into maggots into the plastic bag to use as needed.
- Under the standard fishing conditions, I usually set up a feeder rod at a small angle, for ex. E. at 10.00 or 14.00; if you count the way just in front of you at 12.00. It is needed to send it immediately from the spot of feeding the fish, not to scare the rest of the feeding fish.
- Catching large fish on extensional bait, you should use hooks of the Wide Gape series (full spinner), which admit you to place large nozzles on the fore-end optimally.
- Fishing in commercial reservoirs, you can fish wherever you want, but according to my observations, the upcoming place is the lower edge of the slope, often located literally under your feet, no further than 5-6 meters from the shore – this is a natural place of the fish accumulation. Particularly frequent these points work well in the second half of the day, in case of you feed these points in the first half with regular doses of bait.
- Fishing against the islands, you need to throw in the feeder as close as possible to the hanging grass – usually, it will allow you to catch a much more massive amount of fish.
- Large buzzers when fishing on the feeder work well when there is a vast amount of fish. And this fish is pantophagous. When you don’t have a lot of the fish and the biting is gentle – can eliminate large hooks. The way out is to reduce the nozzle, for example, one dead maggot on hook № 18.
- When bites are very seldom, then one way to attract more fish to the net is a chopped worm that you feed to the place of fishing with the help of a feeder. Hashed worm produces attractive materials that will soon help you to get more fish.
- Fishing on the docks and if the weather permits, I make a tight line of 6 inches (15 cm) between the tip of the plug and the float. It allows you to create an immediate snipe when biting and raises the efficiency of fishing.
- Recently, I often use the aromatisation of dead larvae. After I am treating them in boiling water, I let them cool down then I add the Mainline Active-8 Liquid Flavoring syringe, which is the best one in attracting large carps and gives the natural impulse in catching.
- For foreign fishing, the choice of the coil is crucial. I prefer to use large sizes that can significantly increase the casting distance because they have not so densely packed the fishing line at the expense of large diameters of match rod and it is located on the spool more optimally. Using large coils afford me to increase the casting distance by an additional 10 yards (9 meters).
- In catching carp on corn anglers mainly use one grain on the hook. However, I manage to find a lot of fish with a double nozzle. Perhaps it is related to the large size of such a bright yellow nose visually emphasises it against the background of the grains lying on the bottom.
- Fishing in fleet water, I suggest using Dacron connectors. It will help to prevent snarling over the tip of the plug during breakage.
- Catching crucian and F1 hybrids the grub is the best bait on the hook. If you use small feeders, often two maggots on the hook give a better result than one. Try to increase the efficiency of catching to increase the dimension of the nozzle.
- Before defining the capacity of feeding, pay attention to weather parameters. If the conditions are right (cloudy, ripples on the water), then you use the number of bits can be increased. With windless conditions and bright sun, a more cautious approach while feeding gives the best results.
- Fishing at depths of 4 to 7 feet (2-3 meters), the float showed below with fibreglass keel is the best option, providing excellent rigging fixidity.
- In shallow water, the best way to feed is by speckling from the top, instead of tightly impacted balls to the bottom.
- Using reel tackles, you need to dampen the line before fishing, since with a dry range you can’t get an excellent cast. You can unstring the fishing line for the entire casting distance in the water before starting for a while, or you can soak the spool with a fishing line the day before in a bath with rain.
- To evoke fish to bite, roll it up and down, and also shift it around your feeding point. Raise the plug by 8 -12 inches (20-30 cm) and slowly shuffle it to the side, followed by a smooth lowering of the snap to the bottom.
- Using short traces for self-location, the weight of the feeder is significant; it should be suitable.
- If I am catching in a new place and I have some doubts about how to feed, I always feed two points: one is harder, the second is slightly and with less bait. It will help to be sure during today’s fishing and at the same time and swiftly choose the right option for nourishment to the next day.
- Take care of the soil−moisture conservation in your bait mix. For this reason, dampen it periodically to preserve moisture or cover the container with a wet towel.
- If you want to keep bream for a long time, you need to use a mixture of different substances. Microgranules will make the bream slow and sleepy. The chopped worm is a potent attractant, refraining the smell in the water. Hemp does not have any nutritional benefits for bream, but the fish like the oil that it evolves.
- A sweet bait or a bait based on the fish meal? It is the choice that we need to make when determining the best option for a feeding mixture for fishing on a commercial water body. Now many companies have gone on the way of making a combination of “two in one”, i.e. make a specific bait of sweet taste based on the fish meal with a rough texture.
- A sweet bait or a bait based on a fish meal? It is the choice that we need to make while finding the best option for a feeding mixture for fishing on a commercial reservoir. Nowadays the majority of the companies have gone on the way of making a combination of “two in one”, for ex. Make a specific bait of sweet taste based on the fish meal with a сrude texture.
- Any nozzle that has an additional attraction will help you to catch more fish. Use clammy liquid additives or powder additives to give the vents other aromatics.
- The widespread mistake while casting in a long distance is the short distance between the tip of the rod and the feeder. For rods of 13 feet in length (3.9 meters), the horn to the tulip feeder should be at least 5 feet (1.5 meters).
- When the bite becomes very rare, then in addition to bait, the fish can be kept by a worm fine chopped.
- Many anglers believe that catching with the method is effective either at great distances or against to the islands. However, such fishing is also active at short intervals. For catching at such a short distance, it is necessary to use feeders with the smallest size.
- Never chop all the worms at the very beginning of your fishing, as you will have a temptation and you can over nourish the fish. Also, during the fishery, chopped worms will dry up, and will lose all the juices that are important for attracting fish.
- Check as a nozzle also the corn grain with the flesh squeezed out from it so that only the skin is getting in the hook.
- You can draw the attention of the carp with sharp baits, so it makes sense to use “chilli hemp” to get an additional benefit.
- If you are fishing in shallow water, then use the cage− feeders with small holes that will help the baiting to fetch away.
- Look for affordable, but active filling the volume of the mixture. My suggestions are corn; I often add not one but two cans of corn to the mix. The grains create an excellent visual image on the bottom and do not attract small fish to the place of catching, which is not feasible for them.
- I have answered this question- why do I mostly catch on a feeder with a red bait? I consider that carp love mixtures of red colour, they are apparent.
- For fishing at long distances, I recommend using coal instead of glass tops, because they are not curved while casting, just like glass. It will make casting further, and more accurately.
- While the visual appeal of corn is the main advantage, it does not provide many attractive substances for attracting the taste. When the water becomes silty after the rain, the corn loses its visual appeal and efficiency. To equal loss of ability, I go for a little trick, adding a syringe of liquid Scopex to the corn kernels and letting them stand for 30 minutes to saturate the taste.