Sometimes catching a carp can be difficult and we have to increase the chances of finding, while we are on the shore. Most of the fishers (and me too) don’t have that much time, to catch carp without thinking, so we have to maximise the usage of time near the water also, get the best results. So, carp fishing is science or art? I always thought of myself as of the keen fisher, and if I can’t catch any fish, I try all my best to change the situation, to get the optimal chances for the catch. In some cases very helpful can be a scientific approach in others, fishing with a bit of improvisation.
Sometimes, for example, you can get a good catch, by marking the favourite places of fishing and lure fish there, in other ways more productive can be fishing without the lure. In this article, I will tell, how I get the best results in fishing, sometimes without even knowing from what side I should come first: using the scientific method or improvisation.
No rules
The first thing to remember is that carp fishing is continually experimenting, there are no restrictions here. Of course, they are some rules, which can help you control and keeping the waters and the environment safe, but there are no rules regarding different aspects of how to catch carp. There are a lot of fishers, Which like to sit with a rod and wait for the catch, and if it’s their style, then perfect, but in most cases – those are dreamers, who think about why the can’t catch anything, and why are they sit so much.
I am not, in any case, trying to say that you should be impatient, or change your style, but fishers that spend most of their time in a tent, without seeing the changes in the water, can’t get a good catch. It’s not important how many lures you use if the fish shows up in some place, and the fisher is looking in the other, that’s how you miss a chance of a good catch.
I don’t think; there are some rules about that the newbies have more chances of a good catch. Newbies catch carp without thinking – they don’t consider the features of a particular place, they don’t pick inaccessible fish areas and waste their lure without thinking. It can give them the advantage, because they are fishing without following the rules, and don’t think about laws of fishing; can do fishing only while following the rules, with some extraordinary exceptions.
Methods of carp fishing
Contradictions in carp fishing as an art or a strictly made process, show up in the question of techniques and their usage. During last few months I was fortunate – I got to see the effectiveness of some new methods, such as catching wit baits “Dynamite Baits”. For me, it was an excellent opportunity to expand my knowledge about the ways of fishing, and to prove that I like and confidently use them in the fishery. As you see, sometimes I use a scientific approach – that means that I need to carefully check the different ingredients of the lure, to accurately measure, so that I get just what I needed.
I think that in some of my ideas about the usage of lures have a bit of cleverness they, sometimes, entirely contradict the scientific way of making the bait. For example, I started thinking about, that the trick will be washed out, and that the carp won’t be attracted to it. But most of the fishers don’t think about this part of using a lure and throw it in some time of the day, and then at night. This method of using baits can apply in many places with a significant amount of fish. I am more then sure, that the carp can adjust to that rhythm and understand when the lure appears in the water, besides the fish still pays some attention to what it’s eating.
Besides, most carp fishers continuously place new baits each time, after the throw a rod. So baits, are placed in a certain period, determined by carp, as a potential danger. If you agree with this theory, and think that the fish bites more on that bait which was in the water for some period, then you should be reasonably cautious pulling the line out from the water in the specific period. Choosing the bait is vital in carp fishing, and for that, to increase your chances of the catch, you need to select it carefully, and also the place of where to put that bait
The time factor is critical. Knowledge of when to change the tactics of catching is as essential as the knowledge of the tactics, besides, that experience – is a sigh of contrast between scientific and artistic approach. Sometimes during fishing, I followed the rules of fishing strictly, and then suddenly stood up and changed the tactics, as if all that was before made no sense. My friend, with whom I always catch fish, noticed that in me a few times, and said, that this inspiring and intuition has no limits. It’s like the times of anger when you come to a logical decision, which helps to recover confidence in the catch. The strangest thing is that you feel renovated as something changed.
There are some signs which help fishers make changes in the process of fishing: weather changes, fish shows up in different places, or you see the other angler catching fish differently then you and that helps you find inspiration to change yourself. For any fisher, it is enough to see the fish, to make the correctives in the process of fishing. Sometimes to find a way to success you need to sit and think about how you catch fish. I, for example, sometimes lift the rod and move it to the same place but in the different angle. I even visited some of the unpopular places for fishing where I was needed to bind the branches of the tree together so that I could throw the rod in the same place but from a different angle, and I am sure that it helped me add a few more additional fishes in my catch.
Make your luck
In many ways, carp fishing belongs to some rules, and you need to know that the line shouldn’t have any knots and shouldn’t cling, but this is not all of the states that you need to follow. Sometimes the change of tactic, or predicting the situation of the successful catch is enough to catch an additional amount of fish. I can remember a ton of cases when the change of tactics or any new idea helped me make the fishing maximally resultative.
For example, I was in France and took my Daiwa SS 9000 spinning for the situation when I will need a rod for far throwing. That model was the only one. From other gear, I only had spinnings Daiwa 5000 T., But you can’t make a far throw with them. And all of the fish, that I caught, I caught using a far throwing spinning, and I wouldn’t have any fish it at all if a wouldn’t predict the situation and took my Daiwa SS 9000. You need to have your ways in carp fishing, to get a good result.
For example, I got a big success after I started catching fish in places of other fishers after they left the lake. All the anglers that went their lure in the lake were not that far from each other, and I rarely saw, when they accurately threw the trick, but when the fish started to bite in the place of the lure, it gradually left the area, leaving a blind spot in the lake. I didn’t throw a trick or bait in the blind spots made by other fishers, and just threw in the places where I can see the fish (splashes). The thing here is that I used not the intuition and the exact location, and where the fish is, but in the creativity and the ability to use the knowledge on the right spot at the right time.
In many ways, the inspiration comes, when you watch other fishers, and how they catch fish. Sometimes that inspiration comes, then you see some little detail, which is enough for an idea to pop in your head. Sometimes it’s just a genius idea of another fisherman, which you need to realise. I know that on the head is good, but two is even better. Sometimes I just thought about, how to solve one or another problem, and that was enough, for the inspiration to come. For example, while I was fishing, I thought about why because of the strong current, my lure was all around the hook with baits. I solved the problem by making a big ball with a trick, put it on the hook and just threw it out the boat, knowing that this way, I had the lure on the hook, and thanks for that I caught the maximum amount of fish.
Many ideas about the fishing area made using of a method of tries and failures, and even at first glance, the idea seems original while using it in practice it changes, to produce a result – maximum catch. Design depends on the knowing of the rules of the fishing, and a bit of cleverness, in other ways it just can’t be done. To check if I can add in the net with lure a significant amount of seeds and not damage it, I mixed a significant I considerable portion of sweet seeds with Swim Stim granules. Although PVA net melts in the water, I was shocked with how much sweet grain I can put in it and how much fish I can catch in a result of such an experiment with the lure.
You need to catch carp using the scientific method, and in some ways, that way justifies itself more than enough. To obtain the excellent catch it is enough to mark the place of the bites or choose the right proportion of the ingredients to make the ideal lure, but that is not the perfect way fo catching a carp. Sometimes I catch fish strictly by all the rules of fishing, but still can’ stop me from throwing the rod in a random part of the river and seeing if I can catch something. It creates a feeling that most carp fishers are using only one way to pick something, but I am sure that if they used different methods of catching, based on the rules or experience and situations, by the time their chances of getting a big catch in the small amount of time will only increase.