Carp is domesticated form of the family Cyprinidae. There are several subspecies of carp: mirror carp, naked carp, scaly carp. Due to rapid growth and modesty, it takes the leading role in industrial fishery. The weight of fish can run to 50 kg. How to catch carp best of all knows Frank Warwick – carp angler
Guidelines for seasonal fishing
In the spring, fish nibbling is sporadic, but before the spawning the trophy species occur. The fishing is carried out at shall depths, where the water gets thoroughly well. In the summer after breeding, carp bite well on vegetable baits (crops, dough, boilies) far from the storefront. It is significant to define « the tables» on which the fish feed. With proper bait, summertime becomes the best season for carp fishing. In baking weather, go fishing early in the morning, at night or in the late evening. Before a thunderstorm and in drizzly weather you can get a good catch even in the daytime. In autumn biting becomes worse because of temperature depression. The first bites of carp happen to the ice fishers in the early spring. At this time the fish bites on bloodworms, maggots and pieces of worm. Also it occurs as a by-catch to the roach and the bream. Purposefully, catching carp from ice is a challenging activity.
Where can you catch carp?
Сarp lives in almost all reservoirs. It can be found in head rivers and large-sized rivers (if carp grows in the wilderness – it is called «Сyprinus Carpio», this carp is varied slightly from the other species all along of the slenderness of the body), in giant reservoirs and small isolated ponds. Domesticated carp prefer to stay in areas of tanks with a low current or no flow conditions with a moderately muddy or clay bottom. Especially likes the deep and multitudinary places of ponds and lakes. Moreover, it prefers warm water and usually keeps at depth.