Either you are dealing with fishing in general or you admire exactly carping you’ve got more and more knowledge, specific details in your head. Nowadays the stream of information is endless. How to manage with all fishing “tricks”?
Don’t be scared! We tried to “brush” this mess for your convenience. Step by step the secrets of catching will be opened for you to become a real angler.
For your consideration, the question of how wind affects carping is offered.
Imagine you decided to have some fishing holidays at the best lake nearby. Or your carping friends invited you for weekend catching sport. What will you do first? Of course, you ’ll immediately start thinking about rigging and feeding. What rod, line, tackles should be used. Are you required to prepare some special pellets, balls, baits, catchers? You even will check the weather forecast at the place you are going to catch the biggest carp in your life. Of course, the weather is rather important for you to choose the right clothing, accommodation, carping “devices”. It’s correct!
The only reminder: DO NOT FORGET ABOUT THE WIND!
The matter of wind is touched by many “carpers” in fishing
You can meet many thoughts, ideas and tricks concerning wind and bite. As for Jim Gibbinson’s ( the author of textbooks on carp fishing) opinion, the wind for carp fishing has a special influence from April to October. Knowing wind details helps to understand better where is the fish, the direction it moves, where it will stop etc.
The wind itself is a rather general aspect, let’s concentrate on two main features: the force of wind and its direction. Don’t be cold for these facts. The specific experience could save your fishing in windy weather.
The practice of many experts and beginners proved that the best wind is the southwest! It’s a bit worse in case it ’s only western or just southern, but there is no big difference. Absolutely the other results are for the east or southeast blowing. The most unfavourable ones are considered the air flows from the north and the east, as well as the northeastern wind. They really can easily spoil your fishing activity.
Side wind and carping
To some extent, you can manage the side wind to “improve” catching. Side wind could affect s even better than front wind. Like a sample, you’d like to hook the grass or mirror carp close to a pond approx 50m high dam. On the right from the dam, you ’ve arranged required carping tackles including rods, feeders, pellets, baits. The wind blows from the left to the right. The job is to lure the canny carp out of its pit spending your feeding and baits. The lures (it’s a special topic) follow the wind direction. Be sure that reverse stream will bring a thrilled by the smell of feed even the smartest carp to your table.