Hemp has always been famous in fishing because of its indispensable feature – the awakening of carp appetite. But this feature will be reduced to nothing if wrongly cook its. So how to prepare hemp seed for angling? Several anglers have shared with us their recipes for the preparation of hemp seeds.
There are a few types of hemp: medic, decorative, drug, and technical. Everyone knows that it has unique abilities. Seeds and oil of that plant are efficiently used by anglers, adding it to the lure, making it more attractive for fish.
In our time there are a lot of ways to increase fishes appetite. As a rule, it is an especially premade chemical, with a lot of biological active adding. Such preparations include biting activators, which attract fish from long distances with the help of active substances like pheromones.
Seeds of cannabis contain a wide variety of healthy and nutritious elements. With nutrient elements like, protein, 25% of which marijuana contains, essential oils, vitamins, minerals, amino acids. Cannabis seeds contain substances that additionally attract fish. For angling, a whole ordinary or toasted, and hemp milk will suit. In most cases, anglers use fried, ground cannabis as an additive to any bait.
The technology of making it is quite simple, the only things you need is fire and a frying pan. Firstly you need to put the required amount of cannabis in the pan and start frying on low flame. You have to keep an eye on them so that they won’t burn. When seeds begin to crackle, you should take them off the light, let them cool down, then grind in the blender.
Fried cannabis not only surprise you with a unique smell. But also it’s behaviour in the water. When it gets in the water in the water, little pellets of cannabis begin to flow, which is also able to attract fish. As a rule, it is enough to add no more than 10% of cannabis seeds to the first bait, so that the bait will turn out to be super-catchy.
Also, you have to remember that, fried seeds, not last for long. So for sure, you have to take only fresh seeds, in another way you can scare fish off.
If you brew cannabis seeds, then you can use them as a nozzle, like peas, but that process is laborious and doesn’t guarantee that fish will come to the place of angling.
Many anglers use black pellet that looks like a seed of hemp; uses use cannabis seeds as a lure. Using that technique, you can catch a lot of roach and chub.
It’s best to use floured seeds of cannabis with their addition to the first bait to get an immediate result. When using whole boiled grains, you need to be very careful, because the main bait very quickly absorbs moisture from the seeds, and they become very light. If such bait prepared in advance, then there will be no effect, since the light cannabis seeds leave the bait site very quickly, rising upwards and will immediately be carried by the current. In this case, it is best to add cannabis seeds at the time of the formation of the feeding balls or at the time of feeding the bait into the feeder. Unfortunately, such an option is not practical, despite its effectiveness. Given the peculiar bias of carp for hemp, bait should be sent very accurately to the place of biting.
Hemp can successfully use as a nozzle in combination with other vents, both animal and herbal origin. Of co, use I mean that because of the cannabis seeds small size, they would fit with peas, corn, or maggots, but it’s better to use very thin hooks.
There is one assumption of such unpredictable love of fish for hemp seeds. The fact that in appearance they are very much like tiny shells, similar to the seeds of cannabis. Also, the dried seeds have a similar crunch if they pushed.
Recipe number 1
Hemp is soaked in water for a day, preferably even for two. Add a handful of chilli peppers to the sea. After soaking, boil until opening and the appearance of whitetails. It is advisable to throw cannabis into a reservoir when it has not yet cooled down. It is also necessary to alternate it with a significant fraction.
Recipe number 2
If we have a kilogram of hemp, we need two litres of boiling water. When the water cools down, add liquid and flavour.
In this state, we leave the grain for 12 hours. Next, boil cannabis before the appearance of white nucleoli, which will indicate the opening of the grains and the outflow of oils. If necessary, add some water. Then place the contents of the pan in a bucket. Add boilies; you can add pastes and attractants. The liquid can be drained and used in soaking the nozzles, etc. Hemp is ready; now you can even freeze it if the session of carp fishing is not soon.
Recipe number 3
The seeds of hemp poured into the pressure cooker without any preliminary soaking. We fill the water with an amount three-fold more than the volume of hemp. And a little less than an hour later we will have the best grains with the opened cores. At the end of cooking, grains do not have to be seized but must infuse. Then we put the contents of the pressure cooker in the bucket and add the attractants. As a rule, the hemp seeds cooked in a pressure cooker absorb the aromas much better.
Recipe number 4
Put hemp in a bucket, add a spoonful of sea salt, pour water and soak for two days. Then boil until disclose. Then we pour the hemp with juice into the bucket. Add the robin red in the proportion of 1 teaspoon / 0.5 kg of bready grains. Cooled grains throw into the water and listen to the singing of signalling devices.