Peas are one of the simplest and at the same time the most effective bait for carp fishing. Both novices and experienced anglers use them as bait. Fish bite on this bait almost on every pond. But to have an excellent catch of fish, you should learn how to prepare peas for carp fishing.
What kind of peas should you choose for successful carp fishing
We will not go into history, but you should know that fishing carp with peas became popular in the last century. And for such a long time thanks to the trials and mistakes have learnt which pea baits fish like the most. It is better to use such a bait:

- Fresh peas
- Canned green peas
- Boiled or steamed peas
- Different porridges: the mix of peas and semolina; split pea + wheat flour, and others.
- Pea messes (are usually made of crushed peas, flour, semolina, cake meal and others).
In any case, when choosing peas for carp fishing, the angler should pay attention to such things:
- Better use whole, ripe grains without black patches. Diverse halves of a pea will not be suitable.
- Do not mix different sorts.
- Peas should not have a mouldy smell. It will drive fish away.
- Peas should not be too soft or hard when it comes to fresh or canned grains.
- It is perfect when you press it lightly with your fingers and it only changes shape a little.
- Dry peas can be withered a little because after cooking they will soak up water and will be even and big.
- If you have fresh peas, use them. Summer peas are the most attractive for the carp.

Soaking peas
Almost any pea should be soaked for a while in the water before cooking. Water can be cold, indoor temperature or even be boiling. You should soak them for at least several hours. The longer you soak them, the better it is. For example, leave them for a night before fishing or for 24 hours.
It is necessary that the amount of water should be 3-4 times larger than the number of peas. Doing this, you help the peas soak up water.
Almost any pea should be soaked for a while in the water before cooking. Water can be cold, indoor temperature or even
It is necessary that the amount of water should be 3-4 times larger than the number of peas. Doing this, you help the peas soak up water.

The process of soaking peas is not difficult:
- If you soak it in cold or warm water (just boiled or filtered), then it’s enough to add a liquid in the proportion of 1: 3 (more if possible – 1: 4).
- Leave peas in water for at least 6 hours. When you will pour water, different husk and small particles can go up to the surface.
- Better remove them. By the way, such way of soaking is suitable both for fresh summer peas and last year harvest.
Soaking peas in boiling water is a similar process. But the temperature of the water is higher. It is better to pour peas several times. Firstly, add enough boiling water that the peas disappear in water. Then, in 5 minutes, pour all water. In this case, 2 hours of soaking is enough for the peas to swell and be ready.
Steaming peas
Another bait option is steamed peas. It is easy to cook it:
You need a good thermos. Put 200-250 grams of washed peas there. Then pour boiling water and add one teaspoon of soda. When peas are ready, you can process them with different attractants.
By the way, some anglers add also a small handful of cake meal when steaming peas. It gives a bait special taste and smell.
You can also boil, or more precisely – steam, peas in the steam cooker.

This method of cooking on the water bath consists of:
- First of all, wash and soak peas for several hours.
- Then put peas in the steam cooker.
- Cover peas with netting material, for example, gauze and press so that it can’t exfoliate and stay elastic.
- Then wait until the water boils and leave peas for 15 minutes.
- And the last step is to place steamed peas on the paper or towel in order to give them time to cool down and dry up.
Popular methods of boiling peas for carp fishing
It is quite a responsible task to prepare peas for fishing because much depends on how you cook them including whether carp will like peas, how they will hold on the hood and so on. So we offer you to try one of these methods.

Method number 1
- Soak peas in the water for 10-12 hours. It is recommended to use water with vegetable oil, salt and a small spoon of soda.
- Then put this pot with water and peas on the cooker. Bring to the boil and place this pot on another pot so that the water bath appears.
- In hour and a half you should switch off the cooker and pour water out.
- Now you can add oil, smell and taste of which fish like. Or you can also use special flavour.
- Remember that you should not overcook peas because they will lose many nutrients which attract carp.
- You can check whether bait is ready or not using toothpick or hook.
- Pea should be pierced through with a little effort.
Method number 2
- Cook peas in the water in which it was soaked.
- You can add salt, soda or oil if you want.
- Then wait until the water boils. We recommend checking whether it is ready every 3-5 minutes.
- Then you should pour water out and put peas on the paper or towel so that they can dry and save its structure (don’t limpen, stick together or become a mess).
- It is important to stir it during cooking and to use good dishes. For example,
a non-stick coating pan or pan with the thickened bottom.

Method number 3
- Again soak the peas.
- Add 1-2 glasses of milk to 1 liter of water.
- Wait for several hours. If you don’t hurry, you can leave them for 24 hours. But put them in the cold place so that the water with milk cannot go off.
- Then with the help of the collander, pour liquid into the pan and put peas in the canvas bag or in the gauze.
- Tie it tightly and put into the water but it should not touch the bottom.
- Do not change the liquid, use the same in which you soak your future bait.
- After boiling, cook it for 15 minutes.
- If peas are big and hard, you can cook them longer but not more than 30 minutes.
- In the end, take the bag and put boiled peas on the paper or on the towel so that the bait can dry a little.
- Then put the peas in the airtight container.
Method number 4
- Now you have learnt some recipes how to boil peas for fishing. But there is a simpler method.
- Firstly, peas are soaked in cool filtered water for several hours.
- Then they are boiled on minimum fire for 20 minutes.
- Then pan is rolled in warm blanket.
- Wait for 30 minutes, take the blanket away and pour the water out.
- The bait is ready!
Every experienced carp angler has its own cooking method. Only you decide what method is better for you. Do not be afraid to experiment because it’s the only way to find your perfect method of preparing bait which will attract carp.