As a rule, the main criteria for estimating carp in carp fishing is the weight of the fish. And what about the style? One of the leading carp magazines in England made a selection of the biggest carp ever caught in 2017. And we present to your attention the ten of those who find carp in the past season!
10 Most Beautiful Carp in England
10th place – Harvey Stimpson
This one was found by the teenager Harvey Stimpson, who was lucky enough to fish a 16-year-old river carp weighing 10.5 kg. According to the young fisherman, he has been feeding a place for a week, comes every day with his friend on bicycles.
Now Harvey’s goal is to catch a carp in 15kg. It is worth noting the tactics of picking by Harvey. He was using sweet, creamy boilies with the addition of corn. Half the boilies crumbled. Also, he added a creamy sweet extract. But as a nozzle, he used white pop-up fish. Multi-rig equipment, with an ordinary wake-hook number 5.
9th place – Mitch Hammonds
Another beautiful carp, which caught in an unusual way. Mitch Hammonds fed with exclusively 24mm creamy boilies, which took about 10kg for the entire session, and corn. And he caught with 14mm a floating ball with a leash zig-rig. The fact is that there is a vast number of crayfish in the pond and it is necessary to fight them in this way. His trophy pulled more than 22 kg. In addition to this fish, he also managed to catch three carps weighing 15 kg and one for 10 kg. He used a 1.2 m long leash, threw up about 30 spores to the bottom first, and then threw in 15 rounds of soup for each of the rods.
8th place – Paul Hargreaves
In the eighth place is Paul Hargreaves with his monster from Norfolk, who pulled already at 23.5 kg! Paul completely made.
All the bait himself rolled and welded bait boilies and packing. The leash was a classic hair carp montage. The weather was severe for the fisherman, as the nights were frigid, and in the daytime, the temperature rose twice. The cold northern wind blew all through the session and in combination with high pressure all this created severe difficulties in catching fish. He rolled up boilies with the aroma of Chilean pepper, white pop-up, the colour what is called washed out. Eventually, the tone turned out slightly pale, as if the boilies had been lying in the water for a long time. With large fish, this often happens when bright colours only scare it away, so if you want to catch large carp, this nuance we should not overlook.
7th place – Michael Ridgway
37-year-old Michael Ridgway has already visited the lake for the third time under the name “Black swan”, and on the third attempt, he managed to break the real jackpot in the form of three carps weighing 13.5 kg, 11 kg and 17.5 kg and all for the last third of the night!
“I am seriously preparing for a fishing trip because my past two fishing came to nothing. All looked like it will be a complete zero and this time in the last third of the night suddenly happened already three bites! It was incredible because of the power of fish, and I’m happy, that managed to fish something in this pond!” – shared his impressions after fishing.
He conducted the catching on a mix of fish boilies – 3kg 16mm and 3kg 20mm boilies. The same was in the nozzle. Standard, classic leash with hair assembly.
6th place – Kev Hewitt
If we make the rating from the topicality of each fishing, then Kev Hewitt would have defeated this rating. He not only caught the chief inhabitant of the reservoir Manor Farm Lake, so also he made it on order! A few hours before the capture, one of the English reporters wrote to him in the messenger, whether he will be able after some time to go on air. To which Kev answered without a hole, bro, I will have time to catch Kempy’s (that’s the name of the treasured carp) by this time.”Everyone laughed and forgot. What was the surprise for the guys when Kev went on air and showed them 25kg fish! Of course, it is worth noting that Kev is not just a professional, but an active athlete, but still, the result is impressive. In addition to this fish, 19 fish were caught in the entire session of Kev, among which the largest was 14kg, 14.5kg, 15.5kg. Fishing lasted three days.
“I arrived at the reservoir at about seven o’clock in the evening, I found the point and lures about 4kg PAYG mix, which included my favourite Live System, hemp and corn. I fish everywhere from frequent fishing trips to national tournaments. A couple of hours after the start of fishing I caught the first fish. By the way, I never throw the bait after each fish caught. Only if you feel that the rate begins to decline, as a result, throughout the fishing, I fished every two hours stable, and lure every 12 hours”
I caught the fish on a floating little yellow pop-up with the ESP Cryogen Curve Shanx hook number 6.
5th place – Jack Keating
It is a truly epic catch, as the age of the caught carp is 24 years. By this point, it scored a substantial 23.5g. Fishing lasted typical three days, and the lucky owner of the trophy is Jack Keating.
“At 9 am on the last day the alarm on the left fishing rod worked. After the cut, at first feel the tension at the end of the line, but after a while, the real battle began. For several minutes the fish tried to swim into the grass, which in no way I could tolerate. This was the most critical moment of the game, after which I realized that trophy is my, even when the next battle happened and the fish tried to swim for the fallen tree 10-15 meters from the shore, I was calm, but as soon as I weighed the carp, then I simply did not believe my eyes. Only then it dawned on me that I had just pulled a giant to the shore!” – says Jack.
Carp was tempted by a floating white pop-up with the taste of squid, over a carpet of fish boilies, and the installation was a stiff shirring nozzle with a hook number 5.
4th place – Jason Walker
Jason Walker became a winner in an exciting fight with a 23-kilogram monster of one of the lakes in Berkshire. The fish took the snap in the grass, and for half an hour he was trying to lift it with a boat before the fish showed up at the surface.
“At some point, the fish jerked sharply to the shore; the fishing line sagged, I began to wind, was not attentive in a hurry, and wind the line on the bottom of the spool. It’s good that the fish went into weeds, I had time to untangle the line. I finished this, and I took the boat and swam to the place where the carp was hiding, I started pulling the fishing line with my hand, the fish appeared already, the fish started to fight again. Practically with my hands, I dragged the fish along with a whole mop of weeds. I even had to check with my hand that the fish was inside!” – Jason laughs.
And now the most interesting! The fish was caught exclusively by boilies, which Jason and his friends cooked directly before
fishing on the beach!
3rd place – Ben Geoffrey
It is a rarity for England to have scaly carp in the catch and sizeable scaly carp – a double rarity. What can we say about the giant more than 25 kg, which Ben Geoffrey caught? It is one of the largest scaly carps of the Misty Albion, which was subjected to a rigid body of water, in which only 15 carp live, and this individual was generally caught just for the tenth time in its history.
“Yes, I knew well that such a huge scaly carp lives here, but I have never seen it in a pod. At night before I witnessed huge splashes away from my lap spot.” I decided to take one of the rods and throw a single nozzle around 6:30 am. It should note that this fish has long outgrown the fighting age. This feeling that she knew about her greatness and was sure that she would be carefully photographed and released. In principle, so it happened, ” – Ben shared his impressions.
It is worth noting that caught the carp on the bare chod-rig.
2nd place – Ben Samary
Ben Samari is another professional who got into the rating. This handsome carp 14.5 kg weight he found on a private lake in Nottinghamshire, on a small pond of 88 acres. By the way, he caught it on artificial corn! Unfortunately, there is no detailed information about the capture, just a photo of this excellent carp and brief information about the nozzle.
1st place – Chris Beesley
And, finally, the winner of the ranking of the most beautiful carp in 2017 in England, called Chris Beesley and his 24 kg carp, which resisted like the devil. There was no escape to the grass, boats, and a long struggle at the limit of nervous tension.
“I waited a long time for the opportunity to return to this lake for carp. For two months there was absolutely nothing to do here, but now the masses of floating weeds and algae decreased slightly, and it was possible to think of something. The first two nights passed without bites. Not a single bit. Suddenly, at some point, the bobbin lifted slightly and then broke off, and the squeal of the signalling device cut the silence.”
Immediately after cutting, I saw a giant mop of grass on the line, which floated from above, and when I did the cutting, it hung on my tackle. As a result, in addition to the fish going crazy, worn from side to side, I struggled with an incredible size coil of algae. There was nothing left to do but hope that the 3-meter depth would allow lowering rod into the water, in the hope that the bush would fly off, and the fish would not rest against the crook. The grass flew off, but when I lifted the rod, I realised that the fish had settled in the vast thickets of algae on the left side.
“There was no sign of life on that end of the line; I swam to this place on the boat.” According to my feelings, I was not in contact with the fish for about 10-15 minutes before I arrived. Saw the weed, I saw that the fish was still on the hook, and at the same instant it broke free and flew into the other weeds. When I got it, I came to myself in a boat for a few minutes.”
Return to shore, another trouble awaited. The battery was off in his camera. Fortunately, this problem was no longer there, when a friend came who made impressive photos. Carp does not have a gram of fat, and its length is 1 meter 20 cm! A real monster!