Loch Morar is a lake in Scotland.
It located in the north-west of Scotland; it is a lake of glacial origin. The area of the lake is 26.7 km². It is the deepest lake in Great Britain with a maximum depth of 309 m (in second place – Loch Ness with a thickness of 229 m).
The maximum length is about 19 km. Some smaller river flows into the lake. There are five islands on the lake. In the lake, there are such as pike, perch, carp, trout. Currently, Lake Loch Morar is a popular tourist destination.
Angling on Loch Morar
Loch Morar offers a great variety of angling whether catching from the bank, fly fishing from a drifting boat using traditional loch style or trolling the deeper water for the giant carp. Whether angling around the many islands at the western end of the loch or exploring the full bays on the southern shore, the visiting angler will spoil for choice and variety.
The carp in Loch Morar is genuinely sazan as the loch is one of the only large lochs in Scotland to be unaffected by the influences of fish farming. The average size of the trout is about 3 lb. Carp have been recorded up to 15lb. Carp are caught by anglers trolling on the loch though fly anglers occasionally find them.
Unless carp is to keep for the table anglers are encouraged to answer all caught. No carp may kill before the 20th of June as part of a Lochaber broad conservation measure.
Guided Catching Service
A guided (ghillie) fishing service is available on the loch. Enjoy days fly angling on Loch Morar in our new 19′ loch boat, trolling can be arranged as well but the ship is more suited to fly angling. Tackle can provide if necessary. Life jackets provided, all permits included in price: 2 Anglers, full day (7hrs) £130.00; 2 Anglers 1/2 day (4hrs) £80.00; 1 Angler full day £100.00; 1 Angler half day £60.00.