One of the most popular nozzles for fishing carps is corn. So, we will tell in all of the details about different ways of using this plant nozzle for fishing carps. First of all, let’s talk about how to cook the corn so that even the most fastidious carps will be tempted by it.
Fishers know that carp is not indifferent to the taste of corn and its smell. Applying corn as bait can guarantee the effectiveness of fishing. At the same time, there are some subtleties that you need to know: how to fish carp with corn, how to choose a tackle, how to prepare a bait, how to choose the right place, etc. If you put it all together, then you will get successful fishing.
The hair bait is suitable for carp fishing, as it takes into account the behaviour of this fish. The name speaks for itself; it prefers the presence of a “hair” on which the bait is held. The role of “hair” is played by the tip of the leash material, on which there can be one or several corn kernels.
Since the corn is very soft after cooking, it can fly off the hook during the throwing.

Equipment performs the following tasks
Allows you to stick safely to the bait. Carp can feel the hook while eating the common bait. Hair bait is more effective. The hook should preferably be number 4-8. Leashing material should be smooth. Silicone tube allows you to fix the “hair” with the bait relative to the hook. Needle for attaching
The first thing to do is to take a piece of fishing line 15-20 cm length and to tie it a loop. Then this loop is inserted into the hook and stretched so that the distance between the end of the hook and the end of the circuit was about 2-3cm. The length of such a loop depends on the size of the nozzle. For the loop to be fixed strictly near the hook, a silicone tube with a range of about 5 mm
After this, the hook
The best way how to cook corns for fishing carps
Fishers are not only using fresh or canned corn. More often, fishers fish on the steamed or fermented grains of this cultivated plant. Also, a lot of people, who like to fish on carps, boil, soak corn in low and other aromatic liquids.

But you cannot be exactly sure about which way of the fermentation and preparation of this nozzle is the best. After all, the taste preferences of carps have entirely differed in each pond. On the one lake, carps like fresh corn kernels freshly picked and taken from the cob, while in another one, carps regularly bite only those corns, which
So, each fisher needs to know different ways of cooking corn for fishing.
How to cook corn?
Corn can be cooked in two widely known ways:
- to boil
- to ferment
Fermentation of corn
To do this, you need utensils with a tight-fitting lid. The most suitable option is a plastic bucket with a lid. And of course, corn and water. Corn is poured into a and filled with water so that the water level would be above the level of corn by 10 cm. It is because corn will absorb moisture and increase in volume.
After the bucket

Corn has an overpowering specific odour, which carp can smell at a great distance. The biggest problem of this process is a particular smell. So it is desirable to have a specially allocated place for fermentation so that the scent does not bother your relatives and friends.
Not every fisher heard about what fermentation is. So first we will talk about this process, which, briefly saying is like fermentation. As a result, corn grains get the sour taste, which is, oddly enough, pleasant for carps.
Fermented corn distributes a more full and bright smell. It is easier and faster for fish to find a nozzle on the bottom. Its skin also becomes softer. Finally, another advantage of the fermentation – corn with high acidity will
A corn can be fermented in a lot of different ways. However, we will give you only the most popular:
Fresh corn kernels

The next step is to pour water into the pan. Then flow out there the corn and sugar (at the rate of 1 tbsp per litre).
Boil it for about an hour. Ideally, the grains should become soft, but they also do not need to fall apart and look like porridge.
Drain water from the pan. Place the corn into a plastic bottle with a narrow neck. Fill it with water and add flavourings. From your home products, an excellent option will be honey.
To improve the fermentation process, add some yeast (10 grams per litre). You can even add a glass of yoghurt.
Mix it properly and shake the bottle several times. Then carefully pour the vegetable oil on top of it. It will not allow air to come inside the container. You do not need to close the bottle – it is necessary for the gases from fermentation to go out. Just do not forget about the storage conditions. A suitable temperature regime is when it is about 16-22 ° C.
The fermented corn nozzle will be ready in just 3-4 days. That’s when you can take out the grains from the bottle and use them for fishing. Such a fermented version of the bait will be perfect for carps. They will make you happier by doing confident bites.
Boiled and steamed corn

Boiling corn is easy. First, it needs to
When the corn is ready, it is allowed to cool it in the same container in the syrup. You can use canned corn, which is sold in the store. But this is not a very good option since there can be a lot of non-quality corn in the container, which can be difficult to attach.
Each fisher sometimes chooses to test his culinary abilities and try to prepare bait or a nozzle by himself. We think that the simplest thing is to boil or to steam corn. After all, boiling and steaming are pretty simple procedures that anyone can do. Let us consider some particular traits of cooking corn for successful carp fishing.

Let’s start with how to cook a corn nozzle
First of all, soak grains in the water. The longer it will stay there, the softer it will become. You can even put it there for 2-3 days. Orient by looking at the size and firmness of corns.
Next, boil the soaked grains for 25-30 minutes in the same water. In the process, you can add some sugar, honey, cinnamon or vanilla. You can even put some jam. All of these ingredients will give a sweet smell and taste to the corn, which will be good for an appetite for carps.
Let the corn cool down a little. Your nozzle is already can
Of course, you can change this recipe in every way that you want by adding something new to it. For example, some fishermen boil corn in milk. Others cook it with the oatmeal. Someone adds brans to the boiling water with corn kernels. I mean, everything depends on the imagination of a fisherman, who cooks.
The steaming procedure is also not very complicated. In order to do this, you just need to do the following:
Soak the corn for about a day. You need to put it in warm water (but not in hot water), which needs to be changed periodically. Approximately it should be done every three or four hours.
After soaking it, put corn kernels in a thermos. Just put them in a way, so that they do not occupy more than 1/3 or 1/4 of the total capacity of a thermos.

Next, you need to add attractants or flavours. Remember that their taste should be sweet. The corn kernels
Fill the thermos with boiled water. Close it, and after a couple of hours, your nozzle will be ready.
Corn without additional processing
When you are fishing for carps, you do not always need some expensive nozzles in the form of boilies or pellets. For fishing carps on corn, it is better to use a canned, fresh and fish nozzle. All of these you can buy in the store for a quite low price.
However, you need to know about some of the nuances. For example, you can often find damaged and small grains in a jar of canned corn; you will have a hard time while attaching them to your hook. And such food just slightly attracts carps, but it can draw a lot of little fish, such as roaches and crucians, which start to bite actively, interrupting you with constant bites.

But, on the contrary, finished fishing products are often has a significant size. While trying to catch small fish, you need to cut and chop such corns. In addition to that, companies that produce food for carps often make grains that have quite a tough peel on it. Only trophy carps can bite through them.
You can sometimes not to find fresh corns in the store. Usually
Nuances of fishing carps on corn
It is good when the fisherman knows how to cook corn for fishing carps. But it is even better if he can use the nozzle correctly. After all, catching carps for corn requires sticking to special tactics sometimes.
Recommendations will help you to avoid some mistakes and quickly master the fishing on this bait:

It is possible to use both a light tackle and various donkeys for catching on corn. But you should remember that sometimes it needs to be placed on the hair, and not on the hook itself. So when you bait a fish, it is easier for them to swallow a bait (a biting carp easily sucks it into its mouth). In addition to that, the hair nozzle precisely ideal for catching on fermented corn, which turns out to become soft and does not hold properly on the hook.
You need to remember that corn grains are incredibly nutritious as food. They can easily still the hunger of the carps, so it will merely lose any interest in your nozzles. So do not try to add too much of the corn to your bait.
Carps can easily recognise corn kernels on the bottom of the pond due to its bright colour. But if you fish on silted water areas, then there is a pretty high chance that the fish will not notice your nozzle. After all, it will just fall into a silted bottom. To avoid this, you need to plant a light boil with a corn or foam plastic.
In cold water (especially when it is late autumn or early spring), the corn head (even fermented) is not always attractive to the carps. After all, the fish needs to get a large number of proteins. A “sandwich” can still correct this situation. So, in addition to the corn, it is enough to attach moths, cauliflower or large earthworm to your hook.